WebinarsFree Demo

We host free webinars on an ongoing basis so you'll always be up-to-date on RemedyEHR products. Participate in the ones that interest you or request access to previously recorded sessions.

To sign up for an upcoming webinar simply click on the link in the webinar description.

Upcoming Webinars

Check back often for our scheduled webinar events!

Our webinars cover several topics and are meant to answer your questions as well as provide support for you and your practice needs.

Archived Webinars

Basic Reports
Learn the basics of Ready Reports Pro and how to modify existing reports in the system. This webinar also demonstrates how to create basic reports for your office.

Advanced Reports
This webinar is for the advanced report builder. We'll show you how to create complicated reports in Ready Reports Pro by applying conditions, filters and formats.

LetterBuilder allows you to create letter templates based on encounters. Learn how to build new templates as well as how to upload your logo, attach physician signatures and alter body content to an existing template.

Enhancements to RemedyEHR
Learn how to speed up data collection with Quick Visit Defaults, Quick Notes and Quick Fills. Learn how to use the File Repository drag and drop feature, Expand/Collapse button in encounters, Submit to BOLD batch report, eFax, Drag and Drop Favorites list and more